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Dr. Rachel Slaybaugh


Rachel is focused on climate, sustain­ability, and energy investments.

Before joining DCVC, Rachel was a tenured Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, where she held leadership roles in several data science and entre­pre­neur­ship efforts. Concurrent to being a professor, Rachel was a Division Director at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, where she ran the Cyclotron Road Division. She served as a Program Director at the Department of Energy’s ARPA‑E, where she created the nuclear fission program and managed the agriculture portfolio as well as solar and virtual reality teams. Rachel received a bachelor’s degree in nuclear engineering from Penn­syl­vania State University, where she served as a licensed nuclear reactor operator, and a master’s degree and PhD in nuclear engineering and engineering physics from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

Outside of DCVC, Rachel co-founded the Good Energy Collective and currently serves on its board. She also partic­i­pates in various review activities and independent studies such as the Commission on the Scaling of Fusion Energy.
