Rachel is focused on climate, sustainability, and energy investments.
Before joining DCVC, Rachel was a tenured Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, where she held leadership roles in several data science and entrepreneurship efforts. Concurrent to being a professor, Rachel was a Division Director at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, where she ran the Cyclotron Road Division. She served as a Program Director at the Department of Energy’s ARPA‑E, where she created the nuclear fission program and managed the agriculture portfolio as well as solar and virtual reality teams. Rachel received a bachelor’s degree in nuclear engineering from Pennsylvania State University, where she served as a licensed nuclear reactor operator, and a master’s degree and PhD in nuclear engineering and engineering physics from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Outside of DCVC, Rachel co-founded the Good Energy Collective and currently serves on its board. She also participates in various review activities and independent studies such as the Commission on the Scaling of Fusion Energy.