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Tidal Metals

Developing a carbon-neutral, envi­ron­men­tally friendly way to extract magnesium from seawater

First Investment: 2023

Magnesium is a critical industrial metal with structural properties similar to steel and aluminum, but weighing 75% less than steel and 33% less than aluminum. The problem is that most of the global magnesium supply comes from China, where it’s mined and refined using outdated, toxic, and carbon-intensive processes. Tidal Metals has patented a clean, efficient way to extract magnesium from seawater — where it’s the second most prevalent metal, after sodium — using filtration, crys­tal­liza­tion, dehydration, and elec­trol­ysis. As the process harvests magnesium from ocean waters and brines, Tidal Metals will deliver abundant green magnesium” for industries such as automotive, aerospace, and defense.

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