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How Equilibrium Energy is managing increas­ingly volatile power grids

DCVC leads $39M Series B to support Equilibrium’s sophis­ti­cated grid modeling and analytics

The electrical grid is undergoing a profound trans­for­ma­tion. As our reliance on variable renewable energy sources like wind and solar increases, and extreme weather events driven by climate change become more frequent and intense, grid operators face unprece­dented challenges in maintaining stability and reliability amidst a new surge in electricity demand after being relatively constant since the 1990s.

At DCVC, we believe that managing this unprece­dented volatility requires a new breed of energy technology companies — ones that combine deep expertise in power systems with cutting-edge compu­ta­tional techniques. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce our lead investment in Equilibrium Energy’s $39M Series B. See Axios’s coverage here

Equi­lib­ri­um’s core strength lies in its sophis­ti­cated modeling of the electrical grid and its physical assets (generation sources and electrical load demands). By leveraging advanced analytics and a deep under­standing of power market dynamics, Equilibrium more accurately models and predicts what’s happening on the grid, enabling it to buy and sell electricity at the most optimal times, places, and prices. Ergo, Equilibrium manages clean energy assets much more profitably than others while keeping the grid more stable (better matching of supply to demand) and helping grid operators achieve larger deployment.

We first took notice of Equilibrium as it began demon­strating the power of its platform in ERCOT, Texas’s competitive electricity market. So far in 2024, the first battery under Equi­lib­ri­um’s management has outper­formed all similarly sized batteries in Texas, earning more revenue per MW than any of its peers. It’s a clear validation of Equilibrium’s technology and the strength of its team. 

But what really excites us about Equilibrium is its potential to enable the clean energy transition at scale. By making it possible to manage a grid with an increasing percentage of renewables, Equilibrium is building the foundation for an energy system that is sustainable, stable, and econom­i­cally and technically viable. 

As Equilibrium grows its portfolio of battery storage assets and expands into new markets like California, we believe it will play an increas­ingly critical role in the energy transition. We’re proud to support the company in this mission, and we look forward to working alongside the Equilibrium team as it manages the grid of the future.

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